
400 UPC & EAN Codes Package


Both the UPC and EAN codes are included with every purchase. The codes will always be sent to you in less than 24 hours, and many times they are sent in less than 2 hours! You will also receive a message through eBay confirming that the codes have been sent.

We have millions of codes available in many different quantities. If you would like to purchase a custom quantity of codes, please just send us a message, and we can give you a price quotation and arrange for the purchase.

Our all barcodes are shipped in less than 1 Hour!

As we know the importance of these codes, if you need it very urgently, email us we will take care of it urgently.

These codes are unique worldwide and can be used on Amazon India, eBay India, Amazon USA, Amazon UK, eBay USA as well as for iTunes.

UPC code is 12 digit unique numbers

Please note that these codes are meant for eCommerce listing only and not meant for pasting barcodes for products sold on Indian offline market.

Your purchase includes:

• UPC & EAN numbers approved for Amazon, iTunes, etc.

• Your UPC & EAN numbers will be send on your email ID

Note: We are not providing Codes from Shipment. Codes will be sent on only your register or suggested email.   

• Fantastic customer service

• Lifetime Guarantee

Both the UPC and EAN codes are included with every purchase. The codes will always be sent to you in less than 24 hours, and many times they are sent in less than 2 hours! You will also receive a message through eBay confirming that the codes have been sent.

We have millions of codes available in many different quantities. If you would like to purchase a custom quantity of codes, please just send us a message, and we can give you a price quotation and arrange for the purchase.

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